Two New Calculation Types
The Additive Manufacturing Module also adds two new calculation types for Steady-state simulations – Batch and Grid. And three new plot types to visualize these new calculations, including the printability maps discussed above.
The new calculation types allow users to compare how a range of power and scan speeds affect the melt pool dimensions.

A screenshot showing the new Batch Calculation type in the Additive Manufacturing Module, which allows users to input power and scan speed data from a file. Users can include experimental melt pool dimensions and compare them to the calculated results using the new Parity Plot, as shown.
The Batch calculation type allows users to input power and scan speed data from a file, such as a spreadsheet. Users can include experimental melt pool dimensions, if they have them, and compare them to the calculated results using a new plot type called a Parity Plot. This calculation can also be visualized using another new plot type called Melt Pool vs Energy Density, which shows the melt pool dimensions as a function of energy density, or with the new printability maps we discussed earlier.

A screenshot of the new Grid Calculation type in the AM Module, which allows users to evaluate power and scan speed for a fixed range and number of steps, as shown in the red box. Results are visualized using the new Melt Pool vs Energy Density plot type.
The Grid calculation type evaluates power and scan speed for a fixed range and number of steps. Results are visualized using the new Printability Map or the Melt Pool vs Energy density plot type.
Both new calculation types can also be visualized using 3D plots and plot over line, which were already in the software. A dropdown menu has been added so that users can view these plots for each of the data sets.