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Precipitation Simulations

Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA)

Model precipitation kinetics in multicomponent and multi-phase systems using the Add-on Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA).

About the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA)

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) is an Add-on Module that treats concurrent nucleation, growth/dissolution, and coarsening under arbitrary heat treatment conditions in multicomponent and multi-phase systems using Langer-Schwartz theory and the Kampmann-Wagner numerical approach. The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) extends the functionality available in Thermo-Calc by allowing you to make calculations related to the precipitation of your materials.


A screenshot of the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) showing the results of a precipitation calculation of Cementite, M23C6, and M7C3 in a Fe-C-Cr system.

Questions the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) Can Help You Answer

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) is a relatively general tool for making precipitation simulations. As long as the fundamental model assumptions are met, it is primarily the access to thermodynamic and kinetic data that determines if a problem can be simulated or not. Some typical questions it can help you answer are:

  • How long will it take before a precipitate may form?
  • Which precipitate would form first, in other words, what is the sequence of precipitation?
  • How does precipitate size distribution vary with heat treatment?
  • What is the estimated yield strength of a material following certain treatment?
  • How do specific alloying elements influence precipitation kinetics?
  • How do the precipitates affect the grain growth?
  • How can stereological (2D sectional) considerations be better accounted for when comparing model predictions to experimental data?
  • How can stereological considerations be accounted for when approximating the 3D size of an existing particle size distribution?

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) Allows You to Calculate:

  • Concurrent nucleation, growth/dissolution, and coarsening of precipitates
  • Complex precipitation sequences involving multiple metastable and stable phases
  • Normal grain growth and Zener pinning
  • Temporal evolution of particle size distribution
  • Average particle radius and number density
  • Estimated yield strength of your material and identification of peak and over-aged conditions
  • Volume fraction and composition of precipitate
  • Nucleation rate and coarsening rate
  • Time-Temperature-Precipitation (TTP) diagrams
  • Continuous-Cooling-Transformation (CCT) diagrams
  • Estimation of multicomponent interfacial energy
  • 2D size distributions obtained from taking a cross section through a spherical 3D dispersion
  • Initial size distribution, accounting for stereological considerations
  • Precipitate kinetics during extreme thermal loading conditions, such as additive manufacture


The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) requires a mobility database in addition to the standard thermodynamic and properties database that is used with Thermo-Calc. The mobility database contains information about the atomic mobility of individual components in relevant phases. Each mobility database is developed to correspond to a specific thermodynamic database.


Upcoming Training Course

Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) Live Online Training

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) Live Online Training is designed for beginners with no prior experience required. Broadcast live from Stockholm, Sweden, this hands-on course covers the simulation of diffusion-controlled multi-particle precipitation in multicomponent alloy systems, including nucleation, growth, and coarsening processes. Participants will explore theory, numerical methods, case studies, and the module’s functionality through interactive teacher-led exercises and Q&A sessions.

We schedule online courses two to three times per year, check out the course page to see if we currently have courses scheduled.


The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) is available as an add-on to a Thermo-Calc license. In order to run the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA), it is necessary to have a license for Thermo-Calc, at least one thermodynamic and properties database, and at least one mobility database. If you are interested in purchasing a license for this Module, please contact us to discuss which license is right for you.

Learn More about the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA)

Modeling of Spontaneous Para-equilibrium to Ortho-equilibrium Transition in Cementite Precipitation During Martensite Tempering

Implementing numerical algorithms to optimize the parameters in Kampmann–Wagner Numerical (KWN) precipitation models

Thermodynamic and Kinetic Simulations on Joining and Additive Manufacturing Processes for an ICME Framework

Coupling TQ-Interface with Precipitation Models for Gas Turbine Applications

Simulation of Multicomponent Precipitation Kinetics using TC-PRISMA

A collection of videos demonstrating the capabilities of the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA).

Modeling the precipitation processes and the formation of hierarchical microstructures in a single crystal high entropy superalloy

Modeling Precipitation Kinetics During Heat Treatment with Calphad-Based Tools

Study of nucleation, growth and coarsening of precipitates in a novel 9%Cr heat resistant steel: Experimental and modeling

Mean Field Modeling of Grain Growth and Zener Pinning

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