Due to these challenges, AM simulations for aluminum alloys often failed or provided inaccurate results in previous versions of the software. Therefore, work has been done to address these issues and make Al simulations more stable and accurate, namely three additions in the software. First, the absorptivity modeling that was discussed in the previous section.

Left: Al10SiMg – abs. 20% simulated in 2024b showing disagreement between experimental and simulated results; right: from Example AM_11_Batch_Al10SiMg in 2025a showing good agreement after the improvements.
Second, in the AM Calculator, the Smagorinsky constant can now be set by the user, whereas it was hardcoded before. This allows the simulation to better account for turbulent flows.

Smagorinsky constant setting added to the AM Calculator Options tab. This is used with the fluid flow model.
And finally, a new setting has been added to the Scheil calculator that allows for interface scattering to be applied after Scheil. This improves the predictability of as-cast and as-printed conductivity for all alloys with large amounts of secondary phases, not just aluminum alloys.
This new setting has been added to the main Scheil calculator as well, not just the one related to the AM Module.
A new example is available demonstrating these improvements: