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Thermo-Calc 2025a Available Now

Introducing Thermo-Calc 2025a. This release is packed with new features and functionality, including an improved ability to model microstructure in several modules, many improvements to the AM Module, a new Property Model Library for Noble Metal Alloys, improvements to the Precipitation Module, four new databases, and much more!

Webinar on Thermo-Calc 2025a Release

Social media image for upcoming webinar: Thermo-Calc 2025a Release Overview
Sign up for our upcoming release webinar to explore the exciting new features and databases included in Thermo-Calc 2025a. Hear directly from six of the developers who contributed to this release as they share insights into these significant advancements.

New Licensing System

Thermo-Calc Software is excited to announce that we are migrating to a new License Entitlement System. The new system uses login credentials, which greatly simplifies the licensing process and brings many advantages to our customers.

Benefits include:

  • Users will no longer need to move license files around or send computer information to us via email (offline activation is still possible)
  • Licenses are updated with the click of a button
  • Licenses can easily be transferred to a new computer
  • License managers can easily transfer licenses to new users
  • Less involvement from IT is required

You can read all about this new licensing system and how users will be migrated to the new system in the Release Notes.

Redesigned Online Help

The online help receives a new look and feel in the 2025a release as well as a reorganization of the content for easier navigation.

Improvements include:

  • Reorganization of the Add-on Modules into their own sections
  • A new Getting Started topic
  • A new What’s New topic
  • Enhanced search functionality
  • And more!

Additional improvements to the online help can be expected in the coming releases. 

Improved Ability to Model Microstructure

Extensive work has been done in several Modules in the software to improve the ability to model microstructure, particularly for additive manufacturing.

Thermal Gradients and Solidification Rates Added to AM Module and Can Be Overlayed Over CET Plots

First, the AM Module adds the ability to plot thermal gradients and solidification rates for both steady-state and transient simulations. These can be plotted in 2D as a scatter plot or in 3D.

The 2D plot can then be overlaid over CET (Columnar to Equiaxed transition) plots from the General Model Library, allowing users to evaluate whether the solidified microstructure corresponds to columnar or equiaxed, given the solidification conditions in the melt pool, as shown in the image below.

A plot from Thermo-Calc 2025a showing thermal gradient vs solidification for IN718. The lines show the equiaxed fraction from the CET Model and the points show the solidification conditions at the melt pool calculated with the AM Module.
The plot shows thermal gradient vs solidification for IN718. The lines show the equiaxed fraction from the CET Model and the points show the solidification conditions at the melt pool calculated with the AM Module. As can be seen, nearly all the points (those below the purple line) exist in a fully columnar region.

Two new examples are available demonstrating these new features, one in Thermo-Calc and one in TC-Python:

  • AM_10_Columnar_to_Equiaxed_Transition_IN718*
  •* **

*Requires license for AM Module and TCNI12 and MOBNI6 databases

*Requires license for TC-Python

Improved Modelling of AM in the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA)

Work has also been done to better simulate additive manufacturing in the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) and to speed up these types of simulations.

Since the release of the AM Module, users have been able to send probe temperature data from the AM Module to the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) in order to model microstructure. However, these types of simulations often took a long time or failed to complete.

Work has been done to address these issues and has resulted in two new checkboxes in the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) for non-isothermal simulations:

  • Preprocess equilibrium data: Calculates the required phase equilibrium properties as a function of temperature for stable and metastable conditions.
  • Include incipient melting: Approximates the melting temperature of precipitate phases. The precipitates are removed upon exceeding this temperature.

These checkboxes pre-process the required thermodynamic and kinetic data coming from the AM Module in order to save time during the precipitation simulations and ensure the calculations complete successfully.

One new example is available demonstrating these new simulation options:

  • AM_12_AM_Probe_to_Precipitation.tcu

Plot from Thermo-Calc 2025a showing simulated incipient melting of the large precipitates in the powder and reprecipitation after a single pass of an electron beam.
Simulated incipient melting of the large precipitates in the powder and reprecipitation after a single pass of an electron beam. Note the sudden drop in volume fraction resulting from incipient melting. The volume fraction increases upon reprecipitation once the material has resolidified, and the sufficient undercooling has been reached.

Additional Improvements in the AM Module

In addition to improved connections to model microstructure, the Additive Manufacturing Module has several other updates and new features.

Model Absorptivity of the Liquid in the AM Module

It is now possible to predict the absorptivity of the liquid in the AM Module. Previously, users had to provide the absorptivity as a constant value, but you can now choose between providing a constant value or selecting Calculated, which models the absorptivity as a function of composition, temperature, wave length, and angle of incidence.

Screenshot of the Thermo-Calc software showing the calculated absorptivity as a function of angle of incidence for the alloy IN738LC. The red curve shows the absorptivity at the liquidus temperature and the blue curve the corresponding absorptivity at the evaporation temperature.
Screenshot of the software showing the calculated absorptivity as a function of angle of incidence for the alloy IN738LC. The red curve shows the absorptivity at the liquidus temperature and the blue curve the corresponding absorptivity at the evaporation temperature.

Improved Stability and Predictability for Al-alloys

Simulations for aluminum alloys have been improved in the Additive Manufacturing Module. Aluminum alloys have several challenges that make accurate simulations especially challenging, particularly in the three areas listed:

  • Thermal conductivity was overestimated for alloys with large amount of secondary phases due to the effect of microstructure
  • Al-alloys have low viscosity, so when they have high flow rates you get turbulent flows
  • Absorptivity is not constant for Al

Due to these challenges, AM simulations for aluminum alloys often failed or provided inaccurate results in previous versions of the software. Therefore, work has been done to address these issues and make Al simulations more stable and accurate, namely three additions in the software. First, the absorptivity modeling that was discussed in the previous section.

Plot showing Al10SiMg - abs. 20% simulated in 2024b showing disagreement between experimental and simulated results.Plot from from example AM_11_Batch_Al10SiMg in 2025a showing good agreement after the improvements.
Left: Al10SiMg – abs. 20% simulated in 2024b showing disagreement between experimental and simulated results; right: from Example AM_11_Batch_Al10SiMg in 2025a showing good agreement after the improvements.

Second, in the AM Calculator, the Smagorinsky constant can now be set by the user, whereas it was hardcoded before. This allows the simulation to better account for turbulent flows.

Smagorinsky constant setting added to the AM Calculator Options tab. This is used with the fluid flow model.

And finally, a new setting has been added to the Scheil calculator that allows for interface scattering to be applied after Scheil. This improves the predictability of as-cast and as-printed conductivity for all alloys with large amounts of secondary phases, not just aluminum alloys.

This new setting has been added to the main Scheil calculator as well, not just the one related to the AM Module.

A new example is available demonstrating these improvements:

  • AM_11_Batch_Al10SiMg.tcu

Export Results in Exodus File Format from GUI

It is now possible to export results from the Additive Manufacturing Module in the Exodus file format, which is a common file format used with finite element analysis programs. Once exported, the files can be retrieved and used to further process and analyze simulation results.

Results are available for export in 3D, Batch, Grid, and Heat Source Calibration plots types.

New Functionality Added to the Plot Renderer

Several improvements have been made to the plot renderer in the Additive Manufacturing Module to make it easier to work with and expand the functionality.

  • When placing probes:
    • You can now select for them to be exactly on the scanning lines or exactly between the lines.
      • You can also now save a snapshot image by selecting Save As. Images can be saved in png, jpg, or gif format.

When working in the AM Calculator there are now new options available to work with various tasks. You can save an image of the geometry or a 3D plot, set probe positions, or delete markers. These options are available either as tooltips or from menus when you right-click in the Visualizations window.

  • When working with 3D Plots:
    • You can now delete markers you have added to the plot to measure between two points on the heat source.
      • You can also save a snapshot of the plot by right-clicking anywhere and selecting Save As from the menu. You can save to png, jpg, or gif format.

Example of the submenu on an AM Plot Renderer 3D Plot.
Example of the submenu on an AM Plot Renderer 3D Plot. You can right-click in the plot area to either save a snapshot of the plot at the given zoom level (select Save As), or when working with markers you can right-click to Delete marker when you are using the Show Manual Ruler button to measure between two points.

New Noble Metal Alloys Model Library

A new Property Model Library for Noble Metal Alloys is available as of this release. The library includes one model that was designed for predicting the optical properties and apparent color of noble metal alloys as a function of incident light. The model is intended to assist users in achieving an attractive color when developing noble metal alloys for the purpose of cosmetic applications.

The Optical Properties Model, screening of the color of an Au-Ag-Cu system.
Color prediction for Ag-Au-Cu alloy using the new Optical Properties Model in the Noble Metal Alloys Model Library.

One example is available, which demonstrates three use cases for simulating color in the silver-gold-copper (Ag-Au-Cu) alloy system: 

  • PM_Noble_01_Color_Prediction.tcu

The Noble Metal Alloys Model Library is available for free to all users who have or upgrade to the Noble Metal Alloys Database (TCNOBL3) and who have a current Maintenance and Support Subscription.

Improvements to Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA)

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) has received several updates, in addition to the improvements in modelling AM, discussed above.

Import 1D and 2D PSD and Convert to 3D

The Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) adds the ability to convert two-dimension (2D) or one-dimensional (1D) particle size distribution information to a three-dimensional (3D) distribution for use in modeling. This allows users to upload experimental 2D or 1D particle size distribution data into the program, convert it to 3D distribution data, and compare the approximation with the experimental data.

Preexisting Particle Size Distribution window in Thermo-Calc 2025a where new settings have been added.
The improvement includes a new setting available on the Preexisting Particle Size Distribution window, Input type. Choose Generate 3D PSD from distribution function, From File, or Approximate the 3D PSD from experimental data. When Approximate the 3D PSD from experimental data is chosen, there is an additional option (Dimensionality of exp. data) to choose the dimension (1D, 2D, or 3D) and then import experimental data.

The converse ability, to convert 3D distribution to 2D distribution, was added to the software in Thermo-Calc 2024a.

Graphical mode example P_10_Precipitation_Initial_PSD_FeCrC.tcu has been updated to demonstrate both conversion options.

Plot from the updated example P_10, M7C3 phase uses 1D dimensionality and imports experimental data.
From the updated example P_10, M7C3 phase which uses 1D dimensionality and imports experimental data.

New Method for Splitting Multi-modal Distributions

A new method is implemented in the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) to split precipitate size distributions in order to identify statistics of individual populations.

You can both section and split several post processing quantities.

Results from running Example P_06 in 2024b (left plot) and 2025a (right plot). The results showcase how the particle population detection has been improved in Thermo-Calc 2025a.
Results from running Example P_06 in 2024b (left plot) and 2025a (right plot). The results showcase how the particle population detection has been improved in Thermo-Calc 2025a.

Example P_06 is updated to demonstrate this improvement, which simplifies the process and makes it more robust to identify individual populations:

  • P_06_Precipitation_Ni-Al-Cr_Non-isothermal_Gamma-Gamma_Prime.tcu

TC-Python also updates one example and adds one example showing this:

  • Updated example:
  • New example:

Databases and Properties

Thermo-Calc 2025a includes four new databases, which come with several new properties and improvements, including the addition of elastic properties to our Steel and Fe-based Alloys Database.

New Databases

TCFE14: Steel and Fe-alloys Database

  • Elastic constants (C11, C12, C13, C33, and C44) are added for FCC_A1, BCC_A2, and HCP_A3 phases. The elastic constants description can be used to derive the elastic moduli (bulk modulus, shear modulus, and Young’s modulus) for a single-phase microstructure.
  • Improved solubility of BN in liquid and solid Fe and of Mg in cast irons
  • Improved S-systems
  • Improved Ti-systems
  • Improved 𝛼/𝛾/𝜎 Equilibria for Cr-Fe-Ni-V and Fe-Mo-V
  • Improved descriptions of Cubic carbides, of TiN inclusions in steel melts and of Ni3X precipitates in maraging steels
  • 18 new ternary systems (total of 335)
  • 4 new quaternary systems (total of 84)
  • 30 new phases (total of 465)
  • And more!

TCOX14: Metal Oxide Solutions Database

  • 2 new elements: Barium (Ba) and Lithium (Li), for a total of 34 elements: Al, Ar, B, Ba, C, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Gd, H, Hf, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, N, Na, Nb, Ni, O, P, S, Si, Ti, V, W, Y, Yb, Zr
    • Ba is for glass ceramics, cathode, and potential applications in metallurgy. The BaO-containing systems are important for the glass industry, in particular for TV panel glasses and glasses used for nuclear waste disposal.
      • Li is for glass ceramics, metallurgical processes, semiconductor, electrode industry, and lithium from Li-ion battery recycling slags. Note that low temperature phases relevant for cathode or anode battery development are not included in TCOX.
      • 138 new phases (744 phases in total)
      • 41 new binary systems (total of 433)
      • 49 new ternary systems (total of 557)
      • 48 new quaternary systems (total of 294)
      • 1 new higher order system (total of 33)
      • Adds thermal conductivity/resistivity and electrical conductivity/resistivity for all the ionic liquid and solid phases (ELCD/ELRS of ionic liquids already included with TCOX13)
      • Includes molar volume, viscosity, surface tension, electrical conductivity/resistivity and thermal conductivity/resistivity for the new elements (Ba and Li)

TCSALT2: Molten Salts Database

  • Adds one new element: Lithium (Li), for a 12 element framework: Al, Ca, Cl, F, K, Li, Mg, Na, O, Si, Sr, Zn
  • 23 new phases (total of 177)
  • 21 new pseudo-binary systems assessed (total of 78)
  • 24 new pseudo-ternary systems assessed (total of 65)
  • 8 new mixed (reciprocal) systems assessed (total of 36)
  • Adds surface tension and viscosity of the ionic liquids
  • Adds molar volume of the ionic liquids and solids

SSOL9: SGTE Solutions Database

  • 329 new phases (total of 2352)
  • 96 new and 19 updated binary systems (total of 879)
  • 10 new ternary systems (total of 154)
  • Te gas species (Te and Te2) updated
  • Adds gas species for Ga, As, and Si
  • Additional information added for problematic binary systems

Updated Databases

Thermo-Calc 2025a also includes four updated databases. Read the Release Notes for more details.

  • TCSLD5.1: TCS Solder Alloy Solutions Database
  • TCTI6.1: TCS Ti/TiAl-based Alloys Database
  • MOBNI6.1: TCS Ni-alloys Mobility Database
  • MOBFE8.1: TCS Steels/Fe-Alloys Mobility Database

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