Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2024
The responses for which industries you work in. This year we saw the highest percentage ever of respondents answering that you are commercial employees.
The responses for how long you’ve used Thermo-Calc products. This year we saw the highest percentage ever of respondents answering that you have used our products for more than 3 years.
A graph showing our overall Net Promoter Score. This year we had the highest score ever. To calculate the score, we add together the percentage of people who answered nine or ten (the “promoters”) and subtract from that the percentage of people who answered one through six (the “detractors”). The scale goes from -100 to 100.
The responses for how satisfied you are with your Maintenance and Support Subscription on a scale from 1 to 5. This year we saw the highest satisfaction score ever at 4,46.
Results of a steady state calculation for the material SS316L in Thermo-Calc 2024b with fluid flow. The addition of fluid flow to the keyhole model makes the prediction of the melt pool size, which is represented by the inner, thin green line, more accurate in 2024b.
The responses for which resources you use to learn about our products.