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Awards and Achievements

Read about some of the awards, achievements, and honors received by Thermo-Calc Software and our employees over the years.

Awards and Achievements

This page highlights some of the awards and achievements earned by the company and our employees throughout the years.


Prof. Qing Chen
Chief Scientific Officer and Director of Research & Innovation at Thermo-Calc Software



Qing Chen Receives Editor’s Choice Award for Co-Authored Manuscript

Qing Chen, alongside co-authors Zhangting He (Swerim) and Malin Selleby (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan), was in 2025 recognized with the Editor’s Choice Award for 2024 by the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion for their manuscript, “Third Generation Calphad for Key Elements.

This invited article is part of a special tribute issue of the journal, honoring the legacy of Mats Hillert on the 100th anniversary of his birth. The paper provides an overview of the models used for third-generation Calphad descriptions, covering stable, metastable, and liquid phases. It details the evolution of thermodynamic descriptions for key elements, includes new assessments where needed, and offers practical guidelines to support future optimization and modeling efforts.


Bharat Mehta, PhD., Application Specialist at Thermo-Calc Software AB.


Bharat Mehta Wins Jernkortoret’s Powder Metallurgy Award for Excellent PhD Thesis

During Jernkontoret’s Powder Meet conference in November 2024, Bharat Mehta, Application Specialist at Thermo-Calc Software AB, was honored with a Powder Metallurgy Award, recognizing exceptional research skills at an international level in the field of powder metallurgy.

The award, presented biennially during Jernkontoret’s Powder Meet conference in Stockholm, was given to Bharat for his PhD thesis titled “Development of High-Performance Aluminium Alloys Tailored for Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam.” His research has resulted in over 10 scientific publications, a patent application, and the development of two commercial materials in collaboration with Höganäs AB.

The award committee cited the following motivation: “For his contribution to the development of a new sustainable aluminium alloy for additive manufacturing, where he has combined extensive international scientific publication, collaboration with Swedish industry, and strongly contributed to the development of applications for the new aluminium alloy.”


Mehdi Noori with his Best Paper Award for papers published in the CALPHAD Journal.

Mehdi Noori Recieves the Best Paper Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards and the APDIC Best Paper Award

During the CALPHAD 2024 conference in Mannheim, Germany, Mehdi Noori, CALPHAD Database Developer at Thermo-Calc Software won two awards for two different papers.

He won the Best Paper Award for papers published in the CALPHAD Journal for the paper “Thermodynamic database for multi-principal element alloys within the system Al–Co–Cr–Fe–Mn–Ni–C” (Authors: Mehdi Noori, Bengt Hallstedt, Fabian Kies, Felix Oppermann, and Christian Haase).

The paper for the Best Paper Award is voted by the CALPHAD Advisory and Editorial Board members.

He also received the APDIC Best Paper Award for the paper “Hybrid Calphad DFT modelling of the Mg–Al–Ca system” (Authors: Mehdi Noori and Bengt Hallstedt).

The APDIC Awards promotes activities of phase diagram related work by annually bestowing the Best Paper Award to the authors of the publication judged to be the best in the field of phase equilibria and thermodynamics of the previous year.


Prof. Ågren holding his TMS Fellow Award at the official TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony at the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition.

John Ågren Inducted into the TMS Fellow Class of 2024

Prof. John Ågren, ASM, Professor Emeritus, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, was in 2024 inducted into the TMS Fellow Class. Prof. Ågren, a key contributor to the development of Thermo-Calc, has served as our Senior Scientific Adviser since 2017.

The Fellow Award recognizes TMS members eligible for elevation to the Class of Fellow due to exceptional contributions in metallurgy, materials science, and technology. It comes with a lifetime TMS membership and is considered the highest level of recognition.

The citation for Prof. Ågren’s award read: “For seminal contributions to the establishment of thermodynamic models, atomic mobility framework, and DICTRA software to enable computational design and simulations of multicomponent materials.”


Qing Chen Becomes Adjunct Professor at KTH

In 2022 Dr. Qing Chen, Chief Scientific Officer and Director of Research & Innovation at Thermo-Calc Software, became an Adjunct Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

As Adjunct Professor in Applied Thermodynamic Modeling at KTH, Prof. Chen plays a role as a bridge-builder connecting academia and industry. He brings his expertise and contributes to research and education at KTH, and meanwhile benefits from direct contact with educators and students at the frontier of science, as well as enhancing existing and new collaborations between Thermo-Calc Software and KTH.


Qing Chen and Paul Mason at the ASM banquet where they were inducted into the ASM Fellows Class of 2022.

Qing Chen and Paul Mason Inducted into the ASM Fellows Class of 2022

Dr. Qing Chen, Chief Scientific Officer and Director of Research & Innovation at Thermo-Calc Software and Paul Mason, President of Thermo-Calc Software Inc. were inducted into the ASM Fellows Class of 2022.

The honor is bestowed upon technical and professional leaders for their distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering.

The Fellow of the Society was established in 1969 by ASM not only as a way to honor the inductees, but also to establish a group of advisors to ASM’s board of trustees. Inductees offer technical and professional expertise to the board, which, according to ASM’s website, “enhances the society’s standing as a leading organization for materials and provides a unique resource to serve the worldwide community of materials scientists and engineers in the years ahead.”


Prof. Ågren holding his J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award and Gold Medal Award at an ASM banquet.


John Ågren Receives the 2021 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award

Prof. Ågren, FASM, Professor Emeritus, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Senior Scientific Adviser at Thermo-Calc Software, was in 2021 named the recipient of the J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award. The Gibbs Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of phase equilibria, honored Prof. Ågren “For pioneering work in the field of computational thermodynamics and kinetics and their application to materials design and process improvement.”

The Gibbs Award was established in 2007 in the name of J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s greatest theoretical scientists. The J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award is endowed by QuesTek Innovations LLC.


Paul Mason, President of Thermo-Calc Software Inc,
holding the 2019 ASM Pacesetter award.


Thermo-Calc Software Receives the ASM Pacesetter Award

Thermo-Calc Software was honored to receive the 2019 ASM Pacesetter Award for contributions to education in the fields of materials science and engineering. The ASM Pacesetter award was established in 2009 to honor organizations that support the ASM Materials Education Foundation in their mission of advancing scientific and engineering knowledge through support of education and research. The award is given annually and previous recipients include Chevron, NACE International Foundation and ONR – Office Naval Research. Thermo-Calc Software is proud to support the ASM Materials Education Foundation and honored to be a part of such a prestigious group of recipients.


Weiwei Zhang, PhD., Material Scientist at Thermo-Calc Software Inc.

Weiwei Zhang Receives JPED Editor’s Choice Award

Weiwei Zhang, PhD., Materials Scientist at Thermo-Calc Software Inc., was awarded for her paper “Thermodynamic Modeling of the La-Co-O System” (Authors: Weiwei Zhang, Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz, Huixia Xu & Ming Chen). It was recognized as one of six papers in the annual JPED Editors’ Choice Awards. Dr. Zhang’s paper is based on a chapter from her PhD thesis and was edited for publication in the “Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion”.

The awarded paper is about the development of a database for La-Co-O system, which can be used for calculating phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties at temperatures of 298-3000 K and oxygen partial pressure of 10−20 − 1 bar. Thereby, material composition optimization for various applications are enabled. The intention of her PhD work was to investigate the SOFC materials. This can also be used in areas such as hydrogenation oxidation catalyst, oxygen separation membranes and Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) electrodes.


Professor John Ågren


John Ågren Inducted into the National Academy of Engineering

Prof. John Ågren, Senior Scientific Adviser at Thermo-Calc Software was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Election into this prestigious group is considered to be one of the highest honors an engineer can receive in their career. He is a professor of materials science and engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, and was honored by the NAE “for development of integrated thermodynamics and kinetics analysis tools enabling computational materials engineering.”

Qing Chen Wins the Annual JPED Editor’s Choice Award

Dr. Qing Chen, Director of Database Development and Innovation Research at Thermo-Calc Software, won in 2018 the JPED Editor’s Choice Award for the paper “A Review of Calphad Modeling of Ordered Phases” (Authors: Qing Chen, Bo Sundman & Yong Du).

Recipients of the award are selected by the editorial team who carefully reviews the papers published in the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (JPED) during the year and chooses several outstanding papers for the Editor’s Choice Award. Several factors, including quality of the research, text, and figures, as well as originality and relevance to the field, are considered in the selection process.

Qing Chen’s awarded paper was one of five selected and is a review about the history and current status of Calphad modeling of ordered phases.


The 2017 NIMS award winners, from left to right:
Dr. John Ågren, Dr. Bo Sundman and Dr. Kiyohito Ishida.
Photo credit: National Institute of Materials Science


Bo Sundman and John Ågren Win the NIMS Award

Dr. Sundman and Dr. Ågren, original developers of Thermo-Calc, were two of the recipients of the 2017 NIMS Award. The third recipient was Dr. Kiyohito Ishida. The NIMS Award has been given out since 2007 and is given to researchers with outstanding achievements in the development of scientific technologies for application in various substances and materials. Scientists are nominated from around the world and winners are selected after a rigorous examination by a panel of scholarly experts.


Qing Chen Wins the Best Paper Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards 

Dr. Qing Chen, Director of Database Development and Innovation Research at Thermo-Calc Software, co-wrote and published in 2012 the paper “An improved magnetic model for thermodynamical modeling” (Authors: Qing Chen, Wei Xiong, Pavel Korzhavyi & Malin Selleby). This paper was on the improved magnetic model for thermodynamic modeling and was published in the CALPHAD Journal, and was in 2013 recognized in the CALPHAD community when it won the Best Paper Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards.


Qing Chen Receives Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards 

Dr. Qing Chen, Director of Database Development and Innovation Research at Thermo-Calc Software, won the Best Paper Award in the annual CALPHAD Annual Awards, with the paper “An improved thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-Cr system down to zero Kelvin coupled with key experiments” (Authors: Qing Chen, Wei Xiong, Peter Hedström, Malin Selleby, Joakim Odqvist & Mattias Thuvander).

The paper for the Best Paper Award is voted by the CALPHAD Advisory and Editorial Board members.


Lina Kjellqvist, PhD., Database Developer at Thermo-Calc Software


Lina Kjellqvist Receives the Best Paper Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards 

Dr. Lina Kjellqvist, Database Developer at Thermo-Calc Software was awarded with the 2010 Best Paper Award in the CALPHAD Annual Awards, with the paper “Parameters in the compound energy formalism for ionic systems” (Authors: Lina Kjellqvist, Mats Hillert, Huahai Mao, Malin Selleby & Bo Sundman).

The paper for the Best Paper Award is voted by the CALPHAD Advisory and Editorial Board members.

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