The Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL) is well-known as being one of Austria’s best universities undertaking high-quality research that is focused along the entire “value-added cycle”, starting from the exploration and extraction of raw materials, including mining and tunnelling, via fields such as mineral processing, metallurgy, high-performance materials, mechanical and process engineering, to environmental technology and, to close the circle, the recycling of raw materials. The aforementioned research areas are accompanied by those covering energy technology and resources management, safety engineering and risk management, mathematics, natural sciences as well as economic and business management.
The MUL is strongly committed to integrating the concept of sustainability into the value-added cycle and enhancing the development of high-tech manufacturing and production processes. The university’s various research areas embrace research and development for SMEs and larger scale industry as well as for public institutions. Being the only Austrian university with a major research focus on mining and raw materials, MUL was ranked as the 7th best university worldwide in the materials science sector. The university strongly participates in the initiation and realization of national competence centres, and research studios / laboratories, and moreover, is actively involved in numerous national, European, and international research projects.
At the time of this writing, the university consists of 13 departments and four institutes comprising more than 40 chairs and employing in excess of 1,250 people. Approximately 4,200 students are currently enrolled with approximately 17% being international students coming from 80 different countries.