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Nuclear Materials Databases

Thermo-Calc Software offers three databases for various applications to nuclear materials: Mephista-20 for new generation nuclear fuels, NUCLEA-20 for nuclear reactor circumstances, and NUMT2 for pure radionuclides.

Technical Information Sheet for Mephista-20 (MEPH20)

Technical Information Sheet for NUCLEA-20 (NUCL20)

Technical Information Sheet for NUMT2

Mephista-20 for New Generation Nuclear Fuels

Mephista-20, owned by IRSN, is a thermodynamic database that can be applied to successfully study fundamental scientific issues and efficiently investigate practical engineering problems in new generation nuclear fuels. It effectively allows you to calculate the thermochemical equilibrium states in nuclear fuels and to utilize the calculation results for enhancing the design and engineering of modern and safety-prioritized nuclear reactors, improving the predictions and treatments of operational accidents and assisting the assessment and processing of nuclear fuel and waste managements.

The database contains critically-assessed and internally-consistent thermodynamic data for the entire field from metal to oxide domains within a 15-element framework + H-Ar (only for the gaseous phase, as well as for hydrides and hydrous oxides/silicates).

PROPERTIES: Gibbs Energy
ELEMENTS: Ar, Ba, C, Ce, Cr, Cs, Fe, H, La, Mo, O, Pu, Ru, Si, Sr, U, Zr

Mephista-20 can be used with nearly our entire suite of products: Thermo-Calc, the Add-on Modules, except for the Additive Manufacturing Module, and all available SDKs.

NUCLEA-20 for Nuclear Reactor Circumstances

NUCLEA-20, owned by IRSN, is a thermodynamic database that can be applied to study fundamental scientific issues and efficiently investigate practical engineering problems in both the In-Vessel and Ex-Vessel nuclear reactor circumstances. It effectively enables you to calculate the thermochemical equilibrium states at any step of an eventually-severe accident, and to utilize the calculation results for improving the predictions and treatments of thermo-hydraulic or other accidents, enhancing the design and engineering of modern and safety-prioritized nuclear reactors and assisting in the assessment and processing of nuclear fuel and waste managements.

The database contains critically-assessed and internally-consistent thermodynamic data for the entire field from metal to oxide domains within an 18-element framework + H-Ar (only for the gaseous phase, as well as for hydrides and hydrous oxides/silicates).

PROPERTIES: Gibbs Energy
ELEMENTS: Ag, Al, Ar, B, Ba, C, Ca, Cr, Fe, H, In, La, Mg, Ni, O, Ru, Si, Sr, U, Zr

NUCLEA-20 can be used with nearly our entire suite of products: Thermo-Calc, the Add-on Modules, except for the Additive Manufacturing Module, and all available SDKs.

NUMT2 Pure Radionuclides Database

NUMT2 is a thermodynamic database that is suitable for calculations in nuclear materials and is for about 600 condensed and gas phase substances, including pure radio nuclides.

This database can be applied to a wide range of nuclear related applications, which can be modeled adequately, or to a first approximation, using pure substances. However, it can also be coupled with other pure substance databases such as SSUB, and/or solutions databases such as SSOL and TCFE, to increase the range of applications that can be studied.

PROPERTIES: Gibbs Energy
ELEMENTS: Ag, Al, Am, B, Ba, Bi, C, Ca, Cd, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, F, Fe, H, I, In, Kr, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, Ni, O, Pd, Pr, Pu, Rh, Ru, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr, Tc, Te, U, Xe, Zr
OWNER: Thermo-Calc Software

NUMT2 can be used with nearly our entire suite of products: Thermo-Calc, the Add-on Modules, except for the Additive Manufacturing Module, and all available SDKs.

Developed by a Third Party

Mephista-20 and NUCLEA-20 were both developed by a third party, IRSN. The databases are fully compatible and tested with Thermo-Calc.

Free OECD-NEA Nuclear Database

In December 2014, the OECD-NEA made a free thermodynamic database applicable to nuclear materials available. The database was created in an effort to ensure the ongoing safety and upkeep of current nuclear facilities and to support the development of Generation 4 reactors. The project was coordinated by OECD-NEA and was entirely funded by the 9 signatories. The public and free version of the database can be run with Thermo-Calc.

Find the Right Database

If you have questions about which databases are right for you, a member of our team would be happy to help you select the databases that are best suited for your work.

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