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General Alloys and Pure Substances Databases

General alloys and pure substances databases have a variety of applications and are often used in conjunction with other databases when supplemental data is needed. SSOL9 is our thermodynamic and properties database for general alloys, and SSUB7 is our thermodynamic and properties database for pure substances. We also offer a corresponding mobility database for SSOL9 called MOB2. 

Technical Information Sheet for SSOL9

Technical Information Sheet for MOB2

Technical Information Sheet for SSUB7

SSOL9 Solutions Database

The SSOL9 Solutions Database is a thermodynamic and properties database that contains critical assessments for many binary and ternary, and some higher order systems. When using the database, care must be taken to make sure the underlying sub-systems are assessed for the system in consideration.

This general alloy solutions database is designed for various applications related to alloy design, coatings, joining, heat treatment, and inorganic materials.

ELEMENTS: 79 elements, which ca be seen in the Technical Information Sheet

SSOL9 can be used with nearly our entire suite of products: Thermo-Calc, the Add-on Modules, except for the Additive Manufacturing Module, and all available SDKs.

MOB2 for Kinetic Data

MOB2 is a supplemental mobility database used for calculations that also require mobility data, such as all calculations in our add-on kinetic modules – the Diffusion Module (DICTRA) and the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) – as well as a few specific calculation types.

Highlights of the New Release

The new version of our SGTE Solutions Database, SSOL9, was released with Thermo-Calc 2025a. Read the Release Notes for more details.

  • 329 new phases (2352 phases in total)
  • 96 new and 19 updated binary systems
  • 10 new ternary systems
  • Te gas species (Te and Te2) updated
  • Adds gas species for Ga, As, and Si
  • Additional information added for problematic binary systems

SSUB7 Substances Database

The SSUB7 Substances Database is a large thermochemical database containing 5985 pure condensed compounds or gaseous species. This database is used in applications such as alloy design and engineering, inorganic materials, gas phase chemistry, and solid-melts-aqueous-gas interactions.

The SSUB7 Substances Database by itself is particularly useful for:

  • Tabulations of thermochemical data
  • Computations and tabulations of reactions and equilibrium constants
  • Computations of solid-gas equilibria in multicomponent systems (with no solid solutions), such as CVD calculations, potential diagram calculations, high-temperature corrosion calculations, and so forth

The database is useful whenever it is necessary to append additional data to other databases.

ELEMENTS: 101 elements, which can be seen in the Technical Information Sheet
ASSESSED PHASES: 3388 condensed stoichiometric compound phases and one huge gaseous mixture phase

SSUB7 was developed to be used with Thermo-Calc and all available SDKs.

SSUB7 does not have a corresponding mobility database.

Developed by a Third Party

SSOL9 and SSUB7 were both developed by a third party, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE). The databases are fully compatible and tested with Thermo-Calc.

Find the Right Database

If you have questions about which databases are right for you, a member of our team would be happy to help you select the databases that are best suited for your work.

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