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A Unified Treatment of Alloy Dependent Material Properties and Process Parameters for Accurate Solidification Simulations for AM Based on CALPHAD
Authors: Paul Mason, Andreas Markström, Amer Malik, Quang Minh Do, and Johan Jeppsson
Date: Tuesday 3 October 2023
Time: 11:20 AM
Location: C150: Greater Columbus Convention Center
Session: Additive Manufacturing Modeling, Simulation, and Machine Learning: Microstructure, Mechanics, and Process — AM Modeling, Simulation and Machine Learning – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
A Solid Solution Strengthening Model with Ab Initio Calculations and Experiments for Solid Solution Al Alloys
Authors: Taiwu Yu, Thomas Barkar, Bartek Kaplan, and Paul Mason
Date: Wednesday 4 October 2023
Time: 2:30 PM
Location: A225: Greater Columbus Convention Center
Session: Integration between Modeling and Experiments for Crystalline Metals: From Atomistic to Macroscopic Scales V — Session III