The Various Uses of TCAL7 TCS Al-based Alloy Database
Dr. Hai-Lin Chen of Thermo-Calc Software has
extensive experience in database development
for aluminum-based alloys. He is part of the team
who developed TCAL7.
Aluminum is widely used in a host of industries, from building and construction, transportation, automobile, aerospace to household appliances. TCAL7 is a versatile database which enables cal-culations and simulations for aluminum alloys composition design and process design.
Electrical resistivity (ELRS) are calculated for 35 wrought Al alloys after “O” heat treatments and compared with tabulated data (NDT Education, March 2002). A calibration is made for interface scattering and assumed to be proportional to the total fraction of grain boundary phases with a coefficient of +4.83e-8 ohm.m. The red solid line indicates where calculated values are equal to experimental data. The green and blue dashed lines mark the limits for 10 % and 20% deviations, respectively.
Equilibrium calculation for an AA6005 alloy (Al-0.82Si-0.55Mg-0.016Cu-0.5Mn-0.2Fe, wt. %). This helps to make a preliminary determination of the solution treating temperature, somewhere Mg2Si is not stable and the alloy does not melt.
Solidification simulations for an AA7075 alloy (0.2 Si, 0.25 Fe, 1.6 Cu, 0.15 Mn, 2.5 Mg, 5.6 Zn, wt.%). Three methods are used here: Conventional Scheil, Scheil with back diffusion at 0.7 K/s and equilibrium stepping. The terminal freezing range is evaluated for the simulation with back diffusion. The large value indicates high hot tearing susceptibility of this types of alloys.
Simulated dissolution of Si particles at 500 °C, 530 °C, and 560 °C with a multiple-cell approach for approximating the size distribution. 500 °C is too low since the particles cannot be fully dissolved even after 3 h. By comparison, the particles will disappear within 15 min at 560 °C and 1 h at 530 °C. One can choose either temperature or a temperature between taking into account other factors, such as energy consumptions, risks of melting and so forth.
Alloy AA7093 uncertainty calculation using the Property Model Calculator. Transition temperatures are calculated at 200 compositions within the specification tolerance (for example Zn 10.3±0.5, Cu 1.6±0.1, Mg 2.0±0.1, wt.%) and the frequency of each obtained temperature is plotted. The composition variation narrows down the single-(Al)-phase region compared to the nominal composition. The optimal heating temperature can thus be quickly determined at 468 °C in this case, although in most cases Diffusion Module (DICTRA) simulations are needed for optimizing the temperature.
DICTRA simulations of the dissolution of Mg2Si particles and elimination of composition segregation in (Al) grains in an AA6005 alloy (Al-0.82Si-0.55Mg-0.016Cu-0.5Mn-0.2Fe, wt. %). The initial Mg2Si radius is set at 0.6 micron. The initial Mg2Si fraction and the (Al) compositions were from a conventional Scheil simulation without considering back diffusion.
A precipitation simulation during the aging treatment (heating procedure: from 20 °C to 120 °C at 30 °C/h, 30 °C for 6 h, from 120 °C to 135 °C at 15 °C/h, and remains at 135 °C) showing the solutes contents in the η’ precipitates in the 7093 alloy. η’ is a major strengthening precipitate in the 7000 series of alloys. Curves are from the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) simulations and symbols are experimental data from (Marlaud, Acta Mater. 58 (2010) 248).
Calculated Al-Fe-Mn isopleth at 9.5 Si and 1.6 Fe (arbitrary composition for aluminum scraps which typically contain high amounts of Si and Fe) and varying Mn (in wt.%). This is to design the recycling process of removing Fe by adding Mn and forming Fe-containing α-Al15Si2Mn4 particles. The processing temperature and the Mn content are suggested as indicated in the plot. Lowering the temperature increases the amount of α and reduces energy consumption, but the formation of (Al) grains should be avoided. Adding more Mn further increases the formation of Al15Si2Mn4 and Fe removal fraction, while it increases the cost as well.