The database was created in an effort to ensure the ongoing safety and upkeep of current nuclear facilities and to support the development of Generation 4 reactors. The project was coordinated by OECD-NEA and was entirely funded by the 9 signatories.
An original and more comprehensive version of the database was released to the 9 signatories of the project in December 2013. It contained 40 elements, 69 assessed binary systems and 47 assessed ternary systems. The database was initially compiled from several existing databases and is continually being expanded upon by the signatories, using the CALPHAD method and available experimental data.
In December 2014, a condensed version was made available to NEA member nations free of charge. This version contains the complete description for the following systems: U-Pu-O-C, U-Pu-Zr, U-C-N.
Although the public version is available for free, it requires either Thermo-Calc or another computational simulation software program to run.