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Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2021

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in this year’s Customer Satisfaction Survey! We are very grateful for the valuable feedback that we received. In addition to general satisfaction, the 2021 survey focused on collecting information about industry trends and which materials properties you would like us to prioritize for our development. Read on to see the highlights. 


Continuing High Number of Users would Recommend Thermo-Calc Software Products

Last year, we received the highest Net Promoter Score since we began our customer surveys in 2014, and this year’s score remains high. A Net Promoter Score is a widely used metric that allows companies to measure customer satisfaction by asking about the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. The score ranges from -100 to 100, with 25 being considered good. Based on this year’s survey, our Net Promoter Score remains high with a plus 40, which is considered to be a very good score. 


The Net Promoter Score is a widely used metric to measure how satisfied customers are with a company. The score ranges from -100 to 100 and a 25 is considered good. This year, we scored a 40, which is considered very good.

Highest Score Ever for Maintenance & Support Subscription 

Customer support has received high scores over the years, and this year is no exception. We asked you how satisfied you are with your Maintenance & Support Subscription, and this year we received the highest score since we started this survey in 2014.


We received our highest ever score for satisfaction of Maintenance & Support Subscriptions in this year’s survey.

Faster Response Times 

In this year’s survey, we received improved scores on the response time for both technical and non-technical customer support. The feedback from last year’s survey indicated that you wanted us to shorten the response times, which we have been working on during the past year. For instance, we transitioned to a new support platform this year. We are, therefore, very pleased to see that the scores have increased since last year’s survey. However, we are aware that there is still room for improvement and we will continue to work on our response times for some of the technical support issues.

Development Priorities for Materials Properties

In this year’s survey, we asked you which properties you use Thermo-Calc Software Products to calculate to get an indication on what we should prioritize in the development of materials properties. The responses indicate a high interest in calculating both non-equilibrium solidification properties and also density, coefficient of thermal expansion, lattice parameters, thermal conductivity, and yield strength.

We also asked you about which properties data you would like us to add next. Your responses show a high interest in all of the properties listed, so we will continue our work adding new materials properties to the software and databases. Stay tuned for more information about which new materials properties will be included in upcoming releases.

Digital Engagement 

In this year’s survey, we were also interested in how you want us to stay engaged with our users virtually.  The responses show a high interest in webinars about applications of our tools and a self-paced learning hub. We have already begun work on these items to meet your needs. 


Users were asked which forms of digital engagement they would like us to pursue. As a result of the feedback, we have already started looking into the two highest rated options.

We also asked if you had any additional ideas about how we should stay engaged with you. We will review your suggestions and use them to guide our digital engagement development.

Questions You Asked Us in the Survey

Some of you asked questions in the survey. Since the answers are anonymous, we cannot contact you via the survey. Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Money Raised for Charity

As a thank you gift to respondents, we gave you the opportunity to select from three charities to have us donate €10 on your behalf. Through your generosity, the Kaufman Foundation, Unicef, and the International Committee of the Red Cross will each receive a donation that will help further their important missions. Thank you to those who chose to donate.

Thank you again to everyone who took the survey. We appreciate the time and thought you put into your responses. We analyze all of the feedback and consider it when deciding upon our roadmaps. You are welcome to email us anytime with ideas and feedback at

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