Background of the Webinars
The main purpose of the free webinars is to diffuse free information in Spanish and to teach material science students, researchers, and engineers working in industry in Mexico how to use Thermo-Calc tools. Additionally, the webinars are meant to teach participants how Thermo-Calc products can be applied to their research projects.
At the beginning, we reached out to the current universities and research centers who offer undergraduate and postgraduate materials science programs and are current Thermo-Calc users. CINESTAV, Instituto Politecnico, and Facultad de Ingenieria Mecánica y Electrica (UANL) replied to the invitation to collaborate on these webinars and assisted with organizing, sending email invitations, printing flyers, and promoting the webinars on social media, with the help of professors and student chapters.
The response to the webinars has been positive. Other universities and commercial companies who are not Thermo-Calc users, such as Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo, and Etktoid, have invited us to offer the webinar during their events such as “ASM en tu universidad” and “Capsulas Informativas” with students and people working in the steelmaking, heat treatment, and steel shaping industry. So far more than 300 people have registered for our Spanish-speaking webinars.