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Collaborate with Thermo-Calc Software on Spanish-speaking Teaching Webinars About Our Products

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Since September 2023 Thermo-Calc Software has co-organized and participated in free teaching webinars for Spanish-speaking material science students in Mexico. In the webinars, the participants learn the basics of using Thermo-Calc products. These webinars were created on the initiative of Ana Laura Hernández Sustaita, Technical Support and Sales Engineer at Thermo-Calc Software Inc., who is also the teaching instructor in the webinars.

Fig 1. Article about Thermo-Calc webinar in ITM Hierro y Acero Magazine edition #96.

Background of the Webinars

The main purpose of the free webinars is to diffuse free information in Spanish and to teach material science students, researchers, and engineers working in industry in Mexico how to use Thermo-Calc tools. Additionally, the webinars are meant to teach participants how Thermo-Calc products can be applied to their research projects.

At the beginning, we reached out to the current universities and research centers who offer undergraduate and postgraduate materials science programs and are current Thermo-Calc users. CINESTAV, Instituto Politecnico, and Facultad de Ingenieria Mecánica y Electrica (UANL) replied to the invitation to collaborate on these webinars and assisted with organizing, sending email invitations, printing flyers, and promoting the webinars on social media, with the help of professors and student chapters.

The response to the webinars has been positive. Other universities and commercial companies who are not Thermo-Calc users, such as Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo, and Etktoid, have invited us to offer the webinar during their events such as “ASM en tu universidad” and “Capsulas Informativas” with students and people working in the steelmaking, heat treatment, and steel shaping industry. So far more than 300 people have registered for our Spanish-speaking webinars.

What’s Included in the Webinar

The duration of the webinar is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. It starts with a brief talk called: “El futuro de la fuerza laboral en la Industria de Materiales’’ which presents some of the key elements defined in the strategic plan and visions published by the Materials Genome Initiative and NASA vision 2040. The talk also presents articles like the TMS article: Employing AI to accelerate Development and Implementation of Materials and Manufacturing Innovations

The webinar introduction showcases which skills professionals must develop in order to ensure rapid and sustainable progress in the materials field, in which Thermo-Calc products can assist them.

The second part of the webinar covers a free basic training course in Thermo-Calc. Prior to the webinar, participants are provided with instructions for how to install the free Educational Package of Thermo-Calc.

Fig 2. Ana Laura Hernández Sustaita demonstrating how to simulate a one-axis diagram of a martensitic steel step by step during one of the webinars.

In the basic training, participants learn how to make a phase diagram, a one-axis diagram for a martensitic stainless steel, and a Scheil diagram. Participants then learn how to calculate the phases at the solution temperature using the single equilibrium calculator.

At the end of the training, participants learn how to simulate the precipitation behavior during the aging heat treatment process for the M2C6 carbide using the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA). The webinar concludes with a Q&A session.

Looking for Universities and Organizations for Future Collaborations

We seek to continue to collaborate with universities and organizations on how to use Thermo-Calc in order to have faster and more reliable alternatives for the advancement of their research without language being a barrier to learning new skills, as well as breaking the paradigms and myths that may exist about simulation tools.

We also want to continue to spread awareness among Spanish-speaking material science students about how Thermo-Calc can be a valuable tool for rapid advancement, optimizing processes, and making decisions with reliable data in their research projects.

We extend our call to all universities and organizations who are committed to adopting new technologies for the materials field and are interested in increasing the technical skills within their communities to contact us to be a part of their webinars and events.

If interested, contact or


Ana Laura Hernández Sustaita

About the Instructor

Ana Laura Hernández Sustaita graduated with a Master’s in Materials Science and Engineering from FIME at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in México. During her master’s degree, as she was about to begin the experimentation of her project “Design of PH martensitic stainless steel and the effect of chemical composition on segregation in large forgings,” the global problem of COVID-19 forced her to make experimental changes from laboratory to thermodynamic simulation using Thermo-Calc and the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA). After that she was motivated to continue exploring the tools and share her knowledge to more Mexicans to use the software for their research and process improvement.

Ana Laura Hernández Sustaita has three years of experience as a metallurgical process engineer in heat treatment of steels and two years of experience in metal-mechanical process engineering in Mexico. She is currently working at Thermo-Calc Software Inc. as a Technical Support and Sales Engineer. 

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